My pronouns are they/them she/her
Sexuality: non-binary and asexual
Mood: okay and really sensitive
Extra: I have autism and mild depression and I'm happy!...
My interests are lmk and other Lego fandoms and I like anime games and collecting!!..My nicknames are Rage L or Lea bear 🐻Please be nice and nothing rude mean or harmful!!...
Ny favorite colors are light or dark green and grey crimson red and light pink or purple

Before you follow me don't be creepy and don't be a pedo and also
Do NOT be a pedo or anything disgusting!!!...
Don't lead me to any dramaAnd if your a full grown adult you can follow me but don't chat with me on my dms UNLESS it's my mutuals I can trust and thenDO Not hack into my account before report you.